Click below to explore fun school readiness activities!
Listen Activity: Play Find It!
Use basic commands like near/far, up/down, and left/right to for children to hunt for a familiar object like a book or ball that you have hidden either inside or outside the house. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Write Activity: Exploring the Alphabet
Have your child fill in the missing upper and lower case alphabet letters: Uppercase | Lowercase
Movement & Coordination Activity: Play “Simon Says”….With A Twist!
In this game, you will need hula hoops or objects to mark spaces where the children will stand on and explain that you will call out commands such as: touch your toes, bend and touch your knees. If the child follows a command that you did not start with “Simon Says” then they have to move a space back. The first child to reach the caller is the winner. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Shapes & Objects Activity: Shapes in Patterns
In this printable worksheet, your child should each pattern by drawing the shape that comes next.
Relationships Activity: Take A Stand
In this activity, you will have a discussion with your child about a time they might have been bullied or seen someone being bullied and talk about how that made you feel. Using pipe cleaners your child will create a symbol to remind you to stand up to bullies (click here for more detailed instructions). After creating the symbol with pipe cleaners, help your child to complete this worksheet on examples of how to take a stand for others.
Read Activity: Matching Sentences and Pictures
On this printable worksheet, the parent will first read aloud each sentence, and then the child will repeat the sentence, and draw a line from the sentence to match the picture.
Speak Activity: Sentence Stretchers
Using the 5 W’s, add details to short sentences. For example:
WHO? The Witch
WHAT? The Witch flies on her broom.
WHEN? The Witch flies on her broom at night.
WHERE? The Witch flies on her broom at night in the forest.
WHY? The Witch flies on her broom at night in the forest to find ingredients for her soup.
Count Activity: Make a Counting Book
Using old magazines and newspapers, create your own counting book in order from 1-30. Explain to your child there are many ways to represent numbers. For example, with the number 23, you could draw 23 items, or represent it by finding a picture with the symbols 2 and 3. Focus on one number at a time, and when finished with all 30 pages staple them together. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Health & Hygiene Activity: Label the Body
On this activity page, your child will cut out and match each of the 8 body parts.
Emotions & Behavior Activity: Range of Emotions
On this activity, your child will identify 16 different range of emotions and assign actions for those emotions along with a color. For example, the emotion of upset would be the color green and they should take care of that emotion by talking to a safe adult.
Listen Activity: Itsy Bitsy May I?
This following-directions game is similar to “Mother, May I?” With a team of kids, a designated caller is “Itsy Bitsy” and will give commands to the children that are across the yard like “jump six times towards me” The children ask “Itsy Bitsy May I. If Itsy Bitsy replies yes the children may proceed. If Itsy Bitsy replies NO that is a signal that the spider will try to tag children out before returning back to “Base” designated before playing. If tagged before reaching Base then the child will sit out till the end of the game. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Write Activity: Branch Out
Create an Alphabet Tree by using green and brown construction paper. Use a 6” tall and 2” wide brown rectangle for the trunk of the tree and cut out 7 rectangles 8” tall and 2” wide for the branches. Cut out 26 green shapes about the size of a dime for the leaves. Give your child a marker and have them write the letters of the alphabet on each leave. Glue the leaves on the tree branches. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Movement & Coordination Activity: Move like a Dinosaur
This game follows the same rules as the one in Simon Says but in this game children will pretend to be prehistoric dinosaurs while learning new vocabulary and dinosaur facts from PBS Dinosaur Train. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Shapes & Objects Activity: Drawing and Identifying Circles and Rectangles
In these worksheets, your child will practice drawing finding shapes: Circles | Rectangles
Relationships Activity: Make a Family Gratitude Jar
After listening to the read-aloud of The Thankful Book by Todd Parr on YouTube, you and your child define gratitude and discuss things you are grateful for and label them on notecards. Decorate an empty jar or coffee canister to put in the notecards. Set up these discussions as a peaceful way to discuss all the small and big things they are grateful for. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Read Activity: Walking the Dog
Print this worksheet. Read the sentences and have your child repeat the sentences. After reading the story, have your child put the order of events in the story from 1-5.
Speak Activity: Get Silly!
Play with grown-ups and children to develop vocabulary in this silly game by starting with this phrase: Yesterday I saw something really silly. I saw a dog wearing pants.” The next person will repeat your sentence: “Yesterday I saw a dog wearing pants, and riding a bike.” Continue this in a circle until any player can end the game by saying, “Wow! That’s really silly!” Players can use different adjectives to start the game like silly, bizarre, odd, strange, wacky, weird, and unusual.
Count Activity: My Backyard Counting Book
You will help your child practice counting skills by collecting outdoor natural items like: flowers, leaves, stems, and small twigs and gluing these items in their counting book. Create a title page. Practice reading the Counting Book after the glue has dried. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Health & Hygiene Activity: Read Aloud
Before reading the book, “I don’t want to wash my hands” by Tony Ross, talk to your child about the importance of washing their hands before eating and after using the restroom.
Emotions & Behavior Activity: Make A Calm Down Bottle
You will use a small plastic bottle to fill with warm water, glitter glue, and food coloring to create a bottle that will help them to learn how to take time to learn how to breathe deeply, self-soothe, and calm themselves down when they become angry. Discuss the importance of developing this calming down strategy in order to help them deal with angry emotions. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Parents: Together with your child, take this 3-question quiz after completing your activities to receive your child’s own Road to Readiness Certificate of Completion!
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