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Click below to explore fun school readiness activities!

Week 1

Read Activity: Dinner Time!
Talk to your child about their favorite restaurant. Find the restaurant’s menu online and read through it together. Then, plan a dinner and create a menu based around the food you and your child would order from the restaurant. You could also look through a grocery store advertisement and create a dinner menu based on items that are on sale.


Movement & Coordination Activity: Bike or Hike
Research the bike and hiking paths available in Fort Worth. Choose your favorite and go on a family adventure!


Word Problems Activity: Math Games
Visit; select: Grade 3, Numbers. Choose from any of the math games, but specifically for adding or subtracting, select:

  • Clear It, Addition
  • Ducky Race Subtraction
  • Jet Ski Addition
  • Marble Drop Addition
  • Monster Mansion


Emotions Activity: Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
First, read the book Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena. After reading, discuss how CJ’s point of view changes throughout the book. Discuss the word gratitude or grateful. Then, click here and complete a Gratitude Scavenger Hunt as a family.


Behavior Activity: Por favor
Click here to learn how to use polite words in 9 different languages!


Write Activity: Review a Restaurant
Have your child write a review for their favorite restaurant. Show them websites like Urbanspoon and Yelp, as well as newspaper reviews. They could also write a script and record a short video review to post online.


Reasoning Activity: What does it take to open a restaurant? Work with your child to create a list of questions they can ask about starting their own restaurant or business. Once their list of questions is complete, they can research to find the answers. Click here if they would like to create their own business plan!


Health & Hygiene Activity: How should I wash my hands?
Before viewing the CDC website, talk with your child about what they know about handwashing. Create a list of times a person might need or want to wash their hands. Click here to learn proper handwashing techniques!


Relationships Activity: How to be a friend
First, read the book How to Lose All of Your Friends by Nancy Carlson. After reading, discuss with your child what they should do in order to be a good friend. Work together to write a book or comic strip titled How to Be a Friend.


Self-Regulation Activity: Saving for the Future
Read the book A Chair for My Mother by Vera Williams. Discuss the importance of saving money. Set a goal for saving a specific amount of money for a special present, activity, or event. Make sure to write down the goal, and then keep track of money saved.

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Week 2

Read Activity: What’s your favorite animal?
Read a nonfiction book about your child’s favorite animal. As you read together, take notes about interesting facts. See if you can find a fiction book that has the favorite animal as a character. Read this book aloud together. What could really happen from this book? What things do the animal do that are not realistic?

(see skill 4, activity 1 for questions your child can ask before, during, and after reading)

Examples of nonfiction and fiction books:

Penguins by Anne Schreibner (nonfiction)

Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester (fiction)

All About Frogs by Jim Aronsky (nonfiction)

The Adventures of Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel (fiction)


Movement & Coordination Activity: Animal Artist
Your child can draw a picture of their favorite animal in their habitat. Make sure to include as many details as possible to make it look lifelike.


Word Problems Activity: Zoo Word Problems
Fold 2 sheets of notebook paper into 4 squares. Cut them out so that you have 8 cards. On each card, you and your child will create addition or subtraction word problems. After all 8 cards are filled out, work together to solve them.

 Addition example: The male lion eats 374 pounds of meat. The female lion eats 296 pounds of meat. How much meat do they eat altogether?

Subtraction example: There are 845 red and green fish swimming in the aquarium. 329 of the fish are red. How many of the fish are green?


Emotions Activity: Do giraffes need hugs?
Discuss with your child the needs and wants they have. Write these ideas down. Then discuss the wants or needs of animals. Write those ideas down. What are some things the lists have in common? What are some differences?


Behavior Activity: P-O-L-I-T-E
Using the magnetic letters, build polite words (please, thank you, excuse me, help, share, and anything else you can come up with)!


Write Activity: Be a researcher
After reading nonfiction books about your child’s favorite animal, they can write their own book. They will want to include the following information:

  • Habitat
  • Appearance
  • Survival skills
  • What they eat
  • Interesting facts

Show them that real authors include a table of contents, subtitles, photographs, and captions. Urge them to do the same.


Reasoning Activity: I wonder…
Before reading a nonfiction book about your child’s favorite animal or researching online, have them create a list of questions they have about the animal. Here are some question-stems to get them started:

  • Why…?
  • Where…?
  • I wonder…?
  • What does…?
  • How…?
  • When…?


Health & Hygiene Activity: Wash-washy-wash
Write a 20-second chant, song, or rap to sing while washing your hands. If you need help getting started, click here!


Relationships Activity: What are relationships?
Have a conversation with your child about all of the different relationships they are in (daughter/son, cousin, friend, customer, sister/brother, etc). Use the magnetic letters to spell out all of these relationship words.


Self-Regulation Activity: Family Goal
Set a family goal. It could be “We will eat together as a family 4 nights a week,” “We will walk as a family for 20 minutes 3 times a week,” or “We will read at least 1 book a day as a family.” Get as creative as you want, but make sure to write it down and stick with it!

Here is a template to follow for writing your family goal:

We will (goal) by (date). We will reach our goal by doing the following:
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________

For example:

We will walk as a family for 20 minutes 3 times a week every week by August 17. We will reach our goal by 1. Going for a walk right after dinner. 2. Making sure our shoes

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Parents: Together with your child, take this 3-question quiz after completing your activities to receive your child’s own Road to Readiness Certificate of Completion!

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