The Policy: Working From Home

Case Study: First3Years

First3Years implements a remote work policy to accommodate their employees' specific needs.




Breaking the stigma that nonprofits can’t compete with the private sector when it comes to hiring and retaining top talent, Firtst3Years’ leadership team implemented a remote work policy that sought to accommodate the needs of their employees, many of whom have young children and significant family responsibilities.

The Policy: Remote Work/Work from Home

All employees work remotely from home with the option to access shared office space (no minimum use requirements).

Employees can take important personal appointments (doctor’s appointments, a child’s school function, etc.) without having to use PTO with the understanding that it’s up to them to make up the time used at other points during the week.

As the organization has grown, First3Years’ policy is detailed in their “flexibility value statement”, in order to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation.

The Impact

Not only has First3Years’ remote work policy had a tremendous impact on employee satisfaction and culture, but they have seen a positive trend when it comes to overall employee retention.

This relatively “low-cost” solution has allowed the organization to distinguish its competitive benefits by offering something others weren’t – the opportunity to balance home life with meaningful employment.

*While First3Years does not have employees based in Fort Worth it operates extensively in the area

Employee Feedback

As an employee, I feel supported, like we are each a part of a larger team that cares about me and my family.
– Natalie Fellows

[This policy] has led to a culture that allows for professional growth that doesn’t come at the expense of my family.
– Ashley Borthick

“Giving employees the opportunity to be present with their families and show up at critical moments, even during the workweek, fosters a supportive team environment. Showing that we respect their need to be present with their families, creates loyalty in our employees that encourages them to be present at work, giving 110%”

Sadie Funk, First3Years CEO

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